About SubCulture…
During the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown, a community was born in the lively rave scene of Groningen. Gathered at illegal house parties, a group of passionate creatives united to break free from the constraints of solitude. Through art, fashion, and music, a collective formed to offer a platform for all to discover and express themselves. Initially known as Anti-Squat, this underground community flourished after pandemic restrictions eased, attracting both new and familiar faces and weaving a tapestry of unforgettable moments in a short span of time.
From this broadly oriented collective, SubCulture as a project emerged halfway into 2023 as a platform for a more specific sound. This sound is ever-evolving but rooted in the local bass scene of Groningen, embracing the past while embarking on the future. The main goal has always been to build connections between people, and on this mission, SubCulture seeks to do so by releasing music from local producers as a music label, hosting a variety of events, and providing a space for upcoming sounds via our weekly Mysteriae podcast.